Vikings Season 4: Episode 13, what will happen?

It goes without things in episode 13 of season 4 Vikings! It explains everything you …
Ragnar and Ivar were hot last week in episode 12 of season 4 Vikings ! Fortunately, we will find them nice and dry on Wednesday evening for a new chapter more exciting … After the huge storm that hit his fleet, Ragnar and what remains of his crew (ie not much ) fail on the land of Wessex. Unfortunately for the Viking King, it will not be in a strong position and will have to take with her son Ivar, a difficult decision. Yeah, it smells pretty bad for our hero. Especially his enemies, Aethelwulf and King Egbert, he will have no gift . The tragic story of Ragnar we know will she place earlier than expected in the fourth season? Patience … In any case, the two warriors seem to have decided to surrender to the enemy. Their plan he will work?
We looked forward and he will not disappoint us, good old Rollo will make his comeback in this episode 13 of season 4 of Vikings . And if he had finally joined the Franks and his dear wife, Princess Gisla in past episodes, Mr Muscles will be difficult not to return to his roots in “Two Journeys” . It is finding his nephew Bjorn and his old friend Floki that Rollo will want to follow them in their quest to the south … Will he leave the realm of unhindered Franks? Bjorn will he forgive him his past betrayal? The atmosphere looks horrible …
Lagertha meanwhile, will finally launch his revenge ! The warrior had warned, she is determined to recover Kattegat hands of Aslaug. But above all, it has to make him pay all his past actions. The two women Ragnar will therefore fight in episode 13 of season 4 of Vikings and it risks sending severe! If Lagertha seems to have the advantage on Aslaug, the outcome of this struggle still remains uncertain. To find out, it will take a few days … Meanwhile, do not miss the last confessions of Alex Hogh (Ivar) on the future of his character in season 4 Vikings !