Vikings Season 5: Civil War, Ivar’s Revenge … What the trailer of Comic Con tease for the sequel!

Yesterday we unveiled the new trailer of season 5 of Vikings. You are then asked to go back in more detail on what the next series of History holds.
Now that we finally have a date for the return of Vikings with his season 5 as well as new images to put to the teeth, speculation can resume more beautiful. As expected, the brand new trailer, unveiled Friday at San Diego’s Comic Con, which you can watch above, announces big battles and a lot of violence for the upcoming episodes. Vikings season 5 will start when Ivar wants to take the lead of the Vikings army, while Lagertha still reigns over Kattegat. While each of Ragnar Lothbrok’s sons will seek their way now that the death of their father has been avenged, peace will be far from reigning among them.
If we already know that Bjorn will return to the Mediterranean, which is confirmed by the trailer since we can see him and other Vikings on camels in the desert. Or that Floki will go alone to Iceland, we have now also confirmation of the division of the sons of Ragnar. They have never really been all on the same wavelength and the murder of Sigurd by Ivar did not fix anything and the fact that the latter wants to avenge his mother by killing Lagertha really isolates him from the others. Ubbe seems to be opposed to his brother, since Lagertha proposes an alliance to him: if he supports her against King Harald, she will support him against Ivar.
In addition to a war against Heahmund, played by Jonathan Rhys Meyer (The Tudors), it would seem that it is mainly a war between Vikings that awaits us this season. Ivar and King Harald are determined to put an end to Largetha’s reign over Kattegat, and according to the trailer, Ivar sees himself as King and is planning more than ever to kill the one who killed his mother. Obviously, this promises to create a gap between him and Bjorn, even if the latter wishes to avoid the imminent civil war. Will season 5 mark the fall of Largetha or even her death? Is Ivar the worthy heir of Ragnar Lothbrok? What will Floki find in Iceland? One thing is certain, this new season is already exciting and know that you can discover the first official photos of season 5 of Vikings.