Volleyball, football, swimming: Anne Hidalgo said of his passion for the sport – Gala

Entertainment 15 September, 2017


Passionate about sport since always, Anne Hidalgo tells us about his strongest memory of JO as a téléspectatrice.

As the judoka Teddy Riner, Anne Hidalgo, has not shunned his pleasure to Lima at the announcement of the victory of Paris to organize the olympics in 2024. The mayor of the capital has always practiced the sport. As a teenager, she had created with her sister Mary, a section of football is feminine to the Duchère in Lyon, the city where she grew up. After doing a bit of handball, it is directed to the practice of volleyball until the age of 25 years. “I was passeuse, “she recalls. Today, I do a bit of body building and exercise bike, and I swim as soon as I can. I tried to pass this love of the sport to my children who play them also “, she recently told Gala. When questioned about her strong memories of the events of the olympic games, she responds without hesitation : the race of 400 metres from Colette Besson in Mexico city in 1968. “His long hair, his stride amazing, I was in awe total before it, and I had the chance to meet her many years later “. The mayor of Paris to find matches between the worlds of high level sport and politics. “It is necessary to know to get up when you fall down, demonstrate an unwavering determination. This rage I have in me since always, but I have learned a lot from these great champions“, glisse-t-elle. Anne Hidalgo has taken the games.

Photo credits : ISA HARSIN/SIPA

Anne Hidalgo

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