Watch for These Signs That Your Dog Is Unhealthy and Take Action

A lot of owners think that it would be obvious if their dog was unwell. In fact, a lot of symptoms of possibly serious health issues may be very subtle. Also, dogs may instinctively mask their symptoms. In the wild, animals who exhibit any type of weakness may make themselves more vulnerable to danger. This is particularly true of pack animals who needed to be able to continually affirm their place and utility. Being conscientious about changes in your dog’s behavior can be the key to helping him or her stay healthy. Here are some changes that could be indicative of a health issue that you need to address.
Changes in Mobility
It is normal for dogs to slow down a little bit as they age. However, a sudden change in a dog’s gait may reflect that he or she is experiencing an orthopedic problem or injury. If you see that your dog has started to show disfavor to one leg, you should seek out veterinary care immediately.
Age-related changes in mobility are also something that you should address with your vet. While it is not an emergency, you should try to do it as soon as possible. They are less prominent than mobility impairments resulting from an injury. If you notice that your dog is showing some reticence to jumping on or off surfaces that used to be no problem, he or she may be feeling joint pain. CBD oil for dogs may help ease inflammation in joints and alleviate pain. Treats that contain glucosamine are also popular for hip and joint support.
Increased Urination
A sudden spike in your dog’s urinary output could be the sign of a serious problem. It is common for puppies to urinate much more frequently than adult dogs, so owners should not necessarily be concerned if their puppy who is just a few months old is urinating every couple of hours. When older dogs need to urinate this frequently, they could be experiencing bladder or kidney issues. Urinary tract infections are common, especially in female dogs. Increased urination, blood in urine, or yelping while urinating may be signs of an infection. To diagnose a UTI, your veterinarian will recommend performing a urinalysis. If the urinalysis shows that an infection is present, your dog will likely need to take antibiotics.
Sudden changes with urination may reflect a more serious health issue such as renal failure. A dog who has experienced poisoning from something that he or she ingested may have rapid changes in kidney function. Once kidneys cannot work properly, they will suffer damage from toxins and a dog’s health will deteriorate rapidly. Getting emergency treatment for poisoning that affects a dog’s kidneys may have life-saving implications.
Decreased Appetite
You know how much your dog loves to eat, so you would probably be concerned if you observe that he or she doesn’t want to eat at all. Nevertheless, a slightly diminished appetite is also something that you should pay attention to. It could be a symptom of an extensive range of possible health problems including dental issues, gastrointestinal dysfunction, poisoning, or miscellaneous infection. To pinpoint what’s causing your dog’s disinterest in food, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.
Also, be sure that your dog’s food contains high-quality ingredients. If your dog doesn’t have a lot of enthusiasm for his or her food, there may be a good reason. Food should contain mostly natural ingredients and be free of fillers and by-products. Likewise, treats need to be formulated with dogs’ health in mind. A lot of veterinarians are cautioning owners against giving dogs too much rawhide because it can cause severe stomach problems.
Your dog can’t tell you when something is wrong or what you can do to help. Your furry family member is counting on you to be attentive to his or her health. Keeping an eye out for changes suggesting discomfort will help you keep your dog happy and healthy.