Westworld: SPOILER will he return?
A few hours after the broadcast of episode 9 of Westworld, we strongly request if SPOILER will return later in the show.
After being broadcast on HBO last night episode 9 Westworld has just conclude on OCS City. One particularly rich episode intrigues, revelations and emotions. Admittedly, “The Well-Tempered Clavier” has put the dishes in large to a week’s season finale. Thus, in this new time of television, we learn with shock that Bernard is a host that has been fashioned in the image of Arnold, co-creator of the park. But when the character was beginning to understand its history, Robert took a radical decision and then forced him to shoot himself in the head . Yes the meltynautes, episode 9 of Westworld, which our critic is available , was marked by the death of the protagonist played by Jeffrey Wright. But is it possible that he’s back?
The issue is very serious. If there is a host, not a human, sincere one may wonder if it can be “repaired” and recirculated. It would be enough that another character discovers the bloodshed and tries to turn it back on. The death of a character of this magnitude would be a big risk for the show, especially since Theresa and Elsie also crossed the route of the Reaper . Unless they are human! In any case, the actor who lent his features to Bernard tweeted during the broadcast of the episode a message could not be more clear: “Goodbye.” And at worst, there is always the flashbacks, either Bernard or Arnold! Anyway, we’ll know more next week in episode 10 of Westworld, the promo video is available. Do you think Bernard will return?