What could my medical negligence claim be worth?
In 2019 alone, the NHS spent over £1.9 billion on medical negligence claims, which is (to put it into perspective) only slightly less than NASA’s recent mission to Mars cost. While this accounts for just around 6.5% of overall costs, it’s still a significant amount and underlines how much you could be owed if you feel as if you are owed compensation.
Could I be owed medical negligence compensation?
There could be any number of reasons why you might feel entitled to a medical negligence claim. If you have experienced any sort of medical care from a doctor, nurse, dentist or carer that you would classify as sub-par and has had far-reaching consequences on your physical and/or mental health then you could be entitled to claim.
This could mean anything from being prescribed the wrong medication to injuries sustained during hospital treatment and everything in between. Simply put, it’s compensation for your suffering and exists to help you find your way back to the way your life was before medical treatment began.
How much might my claim be worth?
The amount is always going to be decided by the courts and it should reflect how gravely the claimant’s life and well-being have been affected by the treatment. There are hundreds of factors to take into consideration here. Perhaps, for example, the claimant was rendered unable to work as a result of their treatment and so sustained heavy financial losses? Or perhaps they are a carer themselves for somebody that they can now no longer take care of.
There is no way of saying for certain how much your claims might be worth but there are dozens of specialist serious injury and medical negligence solicitors operating in the UK who should be able to help you. Medical negligence claims can range anywhere from £1000 to over £200,000 depending on the severity of the treatment but there is no exact figure here. It’s always going to be on a case-by-case basis.
What kinds of damages can be claimed for?
General damages – If a victim has suffered any kind of pain or suffering as a result of a medically negligent act this will be referred to as general medical damages. This will require proof of injury, alongside medical records and statements from unbiased medical experts to back up your claims. As far as the amount is concerned, a solicitor will use a compensation calculator to assist you.
Special damages – This involves the knock-on effects of negligence such as loss of earnings, medication costs and even such things as extra travel expenses and parking costs. It all adds up and should all be taken into account when making your case with the solicitor.