When Brigitte Macron evokes the infidelity of her husband Emmanuel

Entertainment 8 May, 2017

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron form a slightly atypical couple, but that lasts. The wife of the candidate for the presidency of the Movement movement sometimes gave way to small confidences …

He is in the open country. Emmanuel Macron hopes to accede to the post of President of the Republic in a month. Beyond politics, the couple he formed with Brigitte Macron , who was first his teacher, made a lot of talk. He is now 39 years old. She has 63. And neither the past and future functions to come nor their age difference disrupts their marriage.

Brigitte Macron has no problem talking about their relationship and it seems that she has considered at one time that her husband may want to go somewhere else. He confided informally on the subject. And it is the journalist of the Figaro, Anne Fulda, invited on the program C l’hebdo, who repeated his remarks. For her, no doubt, if Emmanuel Macron came to be unfaithful to him, it would not be for carnal pleasure, but because he would be in love.

The infidelity of Emmanuel Macron has indeed been a real subject and especially an enormous rumor in recent months . Even before he officially went on campaign to become President of the Republic, there was a rumor about a possible extra-marital relationship of the former Minister of Economy. History to add, Emmanuel Macron would have not only been unfaithful, but, in addition, with a man. Indeed, it was with Mathieu Gallet , president of Radio France, that some tried to make him live a love relationship.

A priori Emmanuel Macron has other concerns at the moment, and does not immediately count his wife’s reason as to how he could deceive and / or leave!