When the discrete Boris Vallaud speaks of his wife, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem it becomes opera – Gala

Entertainment 21 October, 2017


If Najat Vallaud-Belkacem has no mandate from its eviction policy in recent Legislation, in June 2017, her husband is there to support her. More than anyone, Boris Vallaud believes in it. He sings his praises in Paris Match.

A natural rather discreet, Boris Vallaud is not the type of twining. Yet, while Paris Match devotes a long paper to the couple that it forms with the former minister of Education, he leaves to go to a declaration of the most touching on his wife. “As for me, there are more than 90 per year. As it, there was a decade”, he says.

No doubt, the one who has been elected as an mp in the Landes believes in the success of his wife and promised him already a brilliant political career. This praise would it be a harbinger of a possible return ? It is still too early to tell even if Paris Match referred to “his regular appointments with the members of his generation”. In the meantime, the former minister of François Hollande takes care of the children. At the end of the day to relieve her husband. However, do not believe that in Vallaud-Belkacem, the woman is in the kitchen and the man in the office. “I’m hyperféministe all the more that I fight for that Najat is doing its part !”, says Boris Vallaud.

The secret of the longevity of their couple ? That everyone feels free to pursue her career and follow his / her aspirations, as revealed to the member of magazine Society, in September last. And it seems that his wife has decided to try a new way : the edition. Najat Vallaud-Belkacem is preparing, in effect, the launch of its own publishing house, which should “publish popular works on social democracy to analyze the failure and look to the future”, she explained to Paris Match. Not the time for that has just celebrated its 40 years of brooding over his defeat. She prefers to look to the future and begin new challenges.

Photo credits : Fliche Thomas/ABACA

Boris VallaudNajat Vallaud-Belkacem

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