Why drink “light” with aspartame make you fat ?

Health 31 December, 2017


Published the 30.12.2017 at 19h59


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Drink ” light “, if it can give us good conscience, we do not keep the line. Conversely, a recently published study by Obesity Facts (a review of the European Association for the Study of Obesity) shows that the consumption of this type of drink can lead to overweight or even obesity.

Argument marketing, not health

The brands that commercialize this type of beverage play a scientifically proven fact : sugar makes you fat. By offering sodas and lightened in sugar, the consumer is said necessarily that it is good for his health. This is false.
First, because the sugar is replaced by sweeteners. Aspartame, sucralose, or other. And it is more caloric. On average, 114 kilocalories per drink and per day for the followers of beverages declined, according to the researchers of the study.

Even more craving sugar

Another hypothesis advanced by the researchers : the sweeteners increase the sensation of hunger. The consumer would therefore have more desire for sugar and fat by consuming beverages that are ” light “. It grignoterait more.
The microbiota, or intestinal flora, would also be disrupted by these sodas. The result : the diabetes would be facilitated and would appear more easily than with a sugar consumption to normal.

Public health issue

Behind all this hides of course a public health issue of our time where overweight and obesity increase. In France, the deputies adopted this fall a new version of the ” tax soda “, which aims to reduce the amount of sugar in the drinks.

But the rate of sweetening. The industrialists will be paid for by a tax on added sugars that their drinks contain.