Why is there no photo of Raphaël Hamburger, the son of France Gall ? – Gala

Entertainment 11 January, 2018


If the media are struggling to find photos of Raphaël Hamburger, this is not a coincidence. The son of France Gall and Michel Berger has always leaked to the media. A way for him to stay in the shadows despite awareness of his parents.

Since the death of France Gall, carried away by the disease, on Sunday 7 January at the age of 70 years, Raphaël Hamburger made the headlines, and this in spite of himself. Now an orphan, the son of Michel Berger, himself died in 1992, has always fled from the media. Today, only a few photos of him appear in the magazines : at the funeral of his father to the cemetery of Montmartre in Paris or in the streets of the capital to the arms of his ex-girlfriend, the actress and singer Cécile Cassel.

Raphaël Hamburger is a man of the shadow. First sound engineer, he has become over time a producer and music supervisor for the film. A career, closely linked to that of its parents, even if Raphaël Hamburger has never sought to take advantage of their help : “He does not want to become a star that reveals his personal life and intimate, has recently appointed the former press attaché of France Gall, and Grégoire Colard, BFM. It has suffered from the notoriety of her parents, the fact that journalists are still there to the right and to the left. Therefore, it does not want to be publicized, it does not appear in the photo. “

Like his son, France Gall expressed his desire for discretion, in 1984 : “I am someone who is shy and very secret, so that you only see me as the outer part, obviously. “Raphael Hamburger remains far below the sphere of the media, without doubt to protect themselves. He who has survived terrible events (the death of his father, his sister Pauline cf and his mother) throughout her life.

Credits photos : BestImage

France GallMichel Berger

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