Why’s actress Mother!, Jennifer Lawrence did ” not ” want to be a mother – Gala

Entertainment 16 September, 2017


The actress of the new drama from Darren Aronofski Mother!, has not seen the film of her desire for motherhood to wake up… quite the contrary. On E!News the actress, who recently announced that it would stop spinning for two years, confesses that she is definitely not ready to become a mom.

Questioned about her desire for motherhood by a journalist from E!News, the actress Jennifer Lawrence had answered very honest : ” would you Believe that the older I get the less I want, and what starts to worry me… I’m not sure if this is supposed to take place the way it is. When I was 21, 22 years old, I said to myself “I’m so excited to be a mom” and now I am the kind (grin)”

Couple since October last year with the film director Darren Aronofski, Jennifer Lawrence, 27 years of age, does not seem to have in mind of starting a family. And the two lovers seem to also want to remain discreet about their history. The one that was awarded an Oscar for best actress for her performance in Happiness Therapy announced a few days ago wanting to stop turning to the cinema for the next 2 years to come. Always to E!News, she confessed to have had trouble to manage her sudden fame : ” Now I understand. I have patience. I know how to take time for me. At the beginning, it was very stuffy (editor’s note : to be famous) and I wondered “Is this really what I’m going to do for the rest of my days ?” A statement that allows you to better understand his sudden desire to take a step back.

Jennifer LawrenceDarren Aronofsky

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