Will Wonder Woman 2: Chief (Eugene Brave Rock) Come Back?

Cinema 26 June, 2017

No, Chief (Eugene Brave Rock) is apparently not a man like the others. What would make us wonder if the character could reappear in Wonder Woman 2!

No, Diana, Princess of the Amazons, is apparently not the only demi-goddess of the DCEU! Today, Melty has taught you that a big revelation about Chief, confirmed by his actor Wonder Woman , changes the situation a little. Because do you imagine that the Indian guide Steve Trevor and company is none other than the demigod Napi, a deity of the Indians of America! Better still, according to the mythology of the Blackfoot tribe, which Chief would obviously have left, Napi would be at the origin of the formation of the world. But he would also be a kind of carefree, though well intentioned, and would like to trap people while trying to teach them wisdom. It is therefore under this name that the character presents himself to Diana, During this famous replica in Indian which is not translated and which does not even have subtitles. Of course, one might have thought that Chief simply bears the name of the god Napi, to pay homage to him for example. Except that in fact the man and the god would in fact be one and the same person . But suddenly, what could the presence of such a character mean for the DCEU? And above all, Chief, who is interpreted by Eugene Brave Rock in Wonder Woman , could he come back in the continuation of the film? What could the presence of such a character mean for the DCEU? And above all, Chief, who is interpreted by Eugene Brave Rock in Wonder Woman , could he come back in the continuation of the film? What could the presence of such a character mean for the DCEU? And above all, Chief, who is interpreted by Eugene Brave Rock in Wonder Woman , could he come back in the continuation of the film?
The fact that Chief is the real Napi would explain at least one thing. One understands better why he does not doubt for a second that Diana is really what she claims and that her mission is indeed to kill Ares. Why should he doubt the existence of the gods, if he is one himself, right? Besides, we are not going to delude ourselves, there is a good chance that Chief soon realized that Diana was not quite a normal human. In itself therefore, the revelation on the character is certainly surprising but not quite illogical! It remains to be seen why Napi has abandoned its people, victim of the policy of colonization and expansion of the United States, and how it failed on the European continent in the First World War. In any event, The existence of Napi within the DCEU raises the same question as that of the Greek gods, which are also part of the mythology of the universe. Where do these supposedly immortal beings come from? And are they really gods, or simply beings more powerful than normal? Besides, on this subject, does Chief possess the same kind of power as our super-heroine? If so, he has not had the opportunity to demonstrate it in Wonder Woman ! Does Chief possess the same kind of power as our super-heroine? If so, he has not had the opportunity to demonstrate it in Wonder Woman ! Does Chief possess the same kind of power as our super-heroine? If so, he has not had the opportunity to demonstrate it in Wonder Woman !
But suddenly, if Chief is really the demi-god Napi, then the question of his potential return! The fact that it was presented very briefly in a piece of dialogue whose meaning probably escaped 90% of the spectators who went to see Wonder Woman could indicate that the character does not, a priori, have a big role to play Within the DCEU. However, it will be necessary that the future films explore a little more these stories of gods and demi-gods, which land like that from nowhere. Especially as we now know that the divinities present here are not confined to being from the Greek pantheon! Then it might be that Wonder Woman 2 actually brings back Chief, to explain a little bit of where he comes from . If the man is also endowed with a longevity, even if we do not yet know when the plot of this sequence will unfold. And if, of course, Eugene Brave Rock does not pay our head, which remains a possibility! In short, the return of Chief in Wonder Woman 2, like that, if any, of Steve Trevor , is for the moment only the subject of hypotheses. But admit that seeing an Indian half-god and a Greek half-goddess fighting bad guys together, it would have a certain class! What do you think ? Like the possible one of Steve Trevor , is for the moment only the subject of hypotheses. But admit that seeing an Indian half-god and a Greek half-goddess fighting bad guys together, it would have a certain class! What do you think ? Like the possible one of Steve Trevor , is for the moment only the subject of hypotheses. But admit that seeing an Indian half-god and a Greek half-goddess fighting bad guys together, it would have a certain class! What do you think ?