Gray’s Anatomy season 13: Episode 18, Maggie faced with her mother’s illness, our critic

Last night the American channel ABC broadcast episode 18 of season 13 of Gray’s Anatomy. Then discover our review of “Be Still, My Soul”.
“Goodbye, Mom” … Difficult to recover from our emotions after the episode 18 of the season 13 of Gray’s Anatomy which was broadcast yesterday in the United States. For the first time behind the camera, Ellen Pompeo offered us a poignant episode, capturing in a beautiful way this tragic plot. As we have just come to know her, we must already say goodbye to Diane Pierce, a feeling represented by the fact that Maggie herself has just learned for her cancer . In a very short time, Maggie must realize that she may lose her mother because of the illness and this obviously gives rise to scenes difficult to watch. What is most certainly the strength of this episode is its simplicity and sobriety, Letting us focus on the essentials: emotions. Gray’s Anatomy tells us how Maggie must say goodbye to her mother and we laugh and cry with her.
The episode begins while Meredith, Nathan, Jackson and Bailey discuss the best possible treatment for Diane, but soon Maggie will disagree with the rest of the medical team. She wants to do everything she can to save her mother and this prevents her from thinking clearly, so much so that Meredith is removed from the medical team. Meredith, who knows only too well what it means to lose a loved one, shows a great deal of compassion and does not oppose the final decision. Unfortunately, the decisions made by Maggie, who wants to do everything in an emergency and refuses to listen to her peers, only accelerate the inevitable … Fortunately, “Be Still, My Soul” We still have a beautiful scene with a good laugh from the characters to make us blow a little . However, the respite will be short-lived since this fuck-laugh ends with Diane spitting blood. His condition is not improving through the clinical trial, quite the contrary.
If Meredith fails to convince Maggie, Richard, meanwhile, convinces Diane that Maggie is a strong woman and that she will succeed in recovering from this ordeal. The news that her mother no longer wants to continue treatment is devastating for Maggie and explains, with a chosen metaphor, what she’s been feeling since she learned that her mother was sick. Once again, Nathan Riggs astonishes us and takes Maggie in her arms to console her. Throughout the episode, he was patient, compassionate and one can only appreciate it for that. Finally, Meredith succeeded in convincing her that the best thing to do for her is to spend as much time as possible with her and memorize as many things as possible. Their last scene together is light, But Ellen Pompeo does not spare us with the following by steering the camera over and over on Diane’s empty look – all the feels . Once is not customary , Gray’s Anatomy breaks our hearts by killing a character – and does it well. Hopefully the sequel will be a bit cheerful, you can discover the first details of episodes 19 and 20 of season 13 of Gray’s Anatomy , on melty. What did you think of this episode? Hopefully the sequel will be a bit cheerful, you can discover the first details of episodes 19 and 20 of season 13 of Gray’s Anatomy , on melty. What did you think of this episode? Hopefully the sequel will be a bit cheerful, you can discover the first details of episodes 19 and 20 of season 13 of Gray’s Anatomy , on melty. What did you think of this episode?