Depression : Google helps us to find it

Health 26 August, 2017


Published the 26.08.2017 to 09h07


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Approximately one person in five will suffer a day of depression in his life. A common disease that affects all ages but which nevertheless remain under-diagnosed. However, the consequences of a depression support are dramatic. Up to 20 % of depressive patients commit suicide. A scenario that wants to stop the giant of the Google web.

In partnership with the american association national Alliance on mental illness (Nami), the search engine has developed a digital tool of diagnosis. Scientifically validated, this test looks for the characteristic signs of depression such as sadness, loss of pleasure, and a great morning tiredness or suicidal thoughts.

An assessment in 9 questions

This questionnaire consists of 9 questions and is used to evaluate the severity of depressive symptoms of users. “The results can help you have a more serious with your doctor,” stresses the association. Because these actors do not have the pretension to say that this test replaces the expertise of a specialist.

The american internet users will be able to access this questionnaire by simply typing “depression” into the Google search engine. Following the presentation of the disease and its symptoms, the page will display a link ” Check to see if you are suffering from depression “.

The association is convinced that this action will raise awareness of this disease unmarked but well known. “We hope that by making this information available on Google, more people will become aware of their depression and will be able to find a cure for and improve their quality of life,” says the association.