Depression : physical activity helps to prevent

Health 4 October, 2017


Published the 04.10.2017 to 14: 15


Keywords :

dépressionexercice physiqueprévention

This is the new evil of the century. Depression affects one in ten French. But, according to a study conducted by the Black Dog Institute (Australia), it is possible to avoid this mental health condition. An hour of physical activity per week helps to prevent the depressive disorders, according to their results published in the American Journal of Psychiatry.

And this is as well a important preventive role played by the fiscal year. The 34 000 volunteers selected for this study, performed in Norway, were in good physical and mental health when they are included. For 11 years, they have been regularly polled on their physical habits and their well-being.

12 % of cases in less

The participants, the least active has fared less well than the others. Compared to people who practice one to two hours of physical activity per week, they are 44 % more at risk for depression. Bad news for the French. According to the study, Esteban, carried out by public Health in France, 42% of the population does not move enough.

But this deleterious effect is reversible. From an hour of exercise per week – and whatever its intensity –, the volunteers were in part protected from a depressive disorder. According to calculations made by the Australians, more exercise would help to avoid 12 % of episodes diagnosed in the course of this work.