Han Solo, A Star Wars Story: Michael K. Williams in the role of the villain?

Will the actor who will lend his traits to the main enemy of Han Solo in the Spin Off Star Wars dedicated to him was chosen?
A mysterious film! The filming of the next Spin Off Star Wars on Han Solo has begun and if we know much of the cast, we know virtually nothing of the characters we will discover. Good ok, we already know Han Solo, Chewbacca and Lando, but we still do not know what role Emilia Clarke or Thandie Newton will play in the Spin Off Star Wars Han Solo . The same goes for the new entrant to the cast who is none other than Michael K. Williams, seen in particular in Assassin’s Creed or Boardwalk Empire . The chances are great for the latter to lend his features to the antagonist of the story.
As you can imagine, in this Spin Off on Han Solo we will discover more about the youth of this iconic character of the Star Wars saga and its environment. So we should know more about the Underworld (black market, smuggling all that, all that) of the galaxy and it’s inside that we should meet our villain! While waiting for more details, we share with you 3 things we would like to see in Han Solo, A Star Wars Story .