House of Cards : Robin Wright explains how the series almost did not survive the scandal Kevin Spacey

Cinema 1 September, 2018






Last October, just after the explosion of the case of Harvey Weinstein, another scandal éclaboussait Hollywood : the case of Kevin Spacey. Netflix has not sought to understand and has kicked the actor in the second. Thereby jeopardizing one of its most popular series.

After a few days of tension and assumptions, we had learned that finally, House of Cards would have the right to its ultimate season, but with a big change : Frank Underwood would disappear completely, leaving the chair of President to his wife, Claire, story to conclude the series. A matter of choice rather logical in the narrative of the series, and the end of season 5 left already foreshadowed.


Kevin Spacey, face his destiny


But to get rid of a Kevin Spacey accused of rape, racist and responsible for a work environment that is considered toxic was a movement more than risky, which almost cost the life of the series, as has the reveal of Robin Wright at the microphone of Net-a-porter :

“This is not really passed away. Because of the climate, that there was at that time. The air was rotten, you know. Because of Harvey Weinstein. People said he had to cancel everything because otherwise it would give the impression that glorify this type of behavior. Me, I was convinced that he had to finish the series. I thought that it was necessary to honor our commitment to the people who loved the series. Why let it drop ?”

Beyond the question of respect for the audience, the ouster of Kevin Spacey and the final suspension of the series so abruptly was another problem of a more economic, as the actress we expose :


A couple in turmoil


“It was said at the time that “only” 600 people were going to lose their job, but if you include the security, the police, those responsible for the shooting in Baltimore, while the rest are 2,500 people who have lost their jobs. And it would have been very unfair, to remove that security of all these people. Them, they had done nothing wrong.”

As a result, the season 6 has been shot and is scheduled to begin its broadcast on November 2. When the future of Kevin Spacey as an actor and the opportunity to review a day in front of the cameras, Robin Wright is more than bothered by the question :

“I don’t know how to answer you. I really don’t know. I believe that every human being possesses the ability to rectify. Second chances, or that matter how you call it, yes, I believe in it. This is called growing up.”

We’ll see so if in the future we will show that Kevin Spacey has actually grown or not.


The boss, this is it now