Star Wars 8, The Last Jedi: Luke, Rey, Kylo Ren … who will be present in the first teaser?

Cinema 14 February, 2017

Which characters will appear in the first Star Wars 8 teaser? The new rumor that circulates on the net on this subject could well give us some clues!
Well, we learned the official title of the next Star Wars episode. And now what? Well, now, we wait. We’re expecting April, which should mark the waves with the first teaser of Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi in the annual Star Wars Celebration . Yes, two months is the time that he will obviously have to wait before having the very first images of the film. And we are not even sure that they will not simply constitute a video behind the scenes! What, meltynauts, does not prevent us from dreaming or hoping. Nor to imagine what it could take place in the first TRUE teaser of Star Wars 8 . And on this subject, a rumor has been running since yesterday on the net, Launched by Star Wars News Net. If he does not know the exact content of the future teaser, he would have discovered … what characters could show up ! As much to say that the names that are mentioned are obviously the ones that are expected the most.
According to the website, therefore, the first teaser for Star Wars 8 would pride to the Resistance and therefore, inevitably, our General Leia . And we do not have too much trouble believing, to show the character of Carrie Fisher in the video representing a new opportunity to pay homage to him. But she would obviously not be the only one. Rey and Finn – this dear Finn that we tend to forget – would also be present. And Luke in all this? The one that seems to be the last Jedi title and we only saw a few seconds at the end of the Revival of the Force ? Well, rest assured! It would seem that our mythical Jedi will also be part of the game! On the other hand, beside this, It is not known if Kylo Ren or even the character that Benicio Del Toro plays in Star Wars 8 – and that some imagine in the role of Rey’s father – will show the tip of their nose. Of course, all this is for now a rumor and it could be that the teaser presents any other character. However, we remain hopeful. The first video of Reveil de la Force had shown Rey’s face, hidden certainly, but we had especially allowed to find Han Solo and Chewbacca as they landed in the Millennium Falcon. Nostalgic fiber to vibrate. The first teaser of Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi could, however, get faster in the heart of the matter! What would you like to see in the first teaser? All this is for now a rumor and it could be that the teaser presents any other character. However, we remain hopeful. The first video of Reveil de la Force had shown Rey’s face, hidden certainly, but we had especially allowed to find Han Solo and Chewbacca as they landed in the Millennium Falcon. Nostalgic fiber to vibrate. The first teaser of Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi could, however, get faster in the heart of the matter! What would you like to see in the first teaser? All this is for now a rumor and it could be that the teaser presents any other character. However, we remain hopeful. The first video of Reveil de la Force had shown Rey’s face, hidden certainly, but we had especially allowed to find Han Solo and Chewbacca as they landed in the Millennium Falcon. Nostalgic fiber to vibrate. The first teaser of Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi could, however, get faster in the heart of the matter! What would you like to see in the first teaser? The first video of Reveil de la Force had shown Rey’s face, hidden certainly, but we had especially allowed to find Han Solo and Chewbacca as they landed in the Millennium Falcon. Nostalgic fiber to vibrate. The first teaser of Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi could, however, get faster in the heart of the matter! What would you like to see in the first teaser? The first video of Reveil de la Force had shown Rey’s face, hidden certainly, but we had especially allowed to find Han Solo and Chewbacca as they landed in the Millennium Falcon. Nostalgic fiber to vibrate. The first teaser of Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi could, however, get faster in the heart of the matter! What would you like to see in the first teaser?