The Flash Season 3: Episode 19 tonight, Barry travels in the future and meets his older version!

Cinema 25 April, 2017

While the episode 19 of season 3 of The Flash will finally broadcast tonight on the CW, back on the main lines of “The Once and The Future Flash”!
They are back ! And yes the meltynauts, after a month of waiting and teasing, the heroes of The Flash reserve us an episode simply tearing as of tonight on the CW . No doubt that seeing our Barry completely broken by the death of the beautiful Iris should put us in all our states. While the editorial ‘of melty proposing you to discover the secrets of Grant Gustin about the rest of the season 3 of The Flash , back together on the broad outlines of “The Once and The Future Flash” broadcast tonight on Network. And the least that can be said is that Barry should be very surprised when going in the future. Indeed, Central City n ‘ Is more the same and it is now the bad guys who rule over the city . Upon arrival, Cisco will serve as a guide to our hero, proposing to discover how everyone has been overwhelmed by the death of Iris. Will Barry manage to restore hope to his loved ones but especially to himself?
Especially, will he finally discover the true identity of Savitar, the only true bulwark against this terribly powerful enemy? Meanwhile, in the present, the rest of Team Flash will do its utmost to find Killer Frost and to save Caitlin. Again haunted by her evil look-alike, the young woman will attack her friends before fomenting a very dangerous plan . Will Julian know how to find words to help the one he is visibly in love with? We crossed our fingers. One thing is certain, this new episode looks spectacular and we are terribly impatient to discover it. A month’s absence was far too long! While waiting for more info, discover a crazy theory about the real identity of Savitar in season 3 of The Flash.