The Flash Season 3: Episode 20, the identity of Savitar unveiled and it’s crazy, our critic!

While episode 20 of season 3 of The Flash has just been broadcast on the CW, back on the main events that have marked “I Know Who Are You”!
Finally ! And yes the meltynauts, after months of waiting and questioning, the identity of Savitar has finally been revealed in an episode simply crazy. Whether one is a terribly passionate fan or a mere casual amateur of the series, impossible to remain marble facing this revelation as expected as fear. Never before had The Flash brought us so much from a classic episode to a crucial and devilish episode. Let’s face it, the CW’s flagship series reached an incredible level last night and we love it! While Melty’s editor suggested you discover our criticism of Season 3 episode 19 of The Flash , let’s go back to the main events that marked ” Killer Frost had difficulty performing his mission . Indeed, the young woman stays on the reserve not succeeding in letting her evil look-alike take full control. A saving hesitation which proves that it is perhaps still time to save it.
For their part, our heroes traced Tracy Brand, a scientist rejected by his companions. Indeed, his theories about speedsters make everyone laugh and everyone thinks they have to make a furious madman. But we know how important it is to save Iris and the future. Tracy immediately developed a bond with HR And the duo works wonderfully offering us an indispensable dose of humor in this episode where the suspense and the darkness almost ended us . A complicity that we are eager to find in the continuation of the show. In addition, Joe began to seriously doubt his relationship with Cecil. It must be said that the young lady made him a magnificent declaration of love. But how to respond positively when he knows that his daughter is about to die and that hundreds of human meta chase him long time? Especially since his two sons are speedsters who dedicated their lives to saving the city. So difficult to involve him in a story so complicated and we had heart broken when seeing Joe give up his happiness to protect Cecil but it was without counting on Killer Frost and his desire to get what she wanted: Kill Tracy Brand. But it was an evil for a good because it prompted Joe to reveal the truth to her who might well become his wife. So difficult to involve him in a story so complicated and we had heart broken when seeing Joe give up his happiness to protect Cecil but it was without counting on Killer Frost and his desire to get what she wanted: Kill Tracy Brand. But it was an evil for a good because it prompted Joe to reveal the truth to her who might well become his wife. So difficult to involve him in a story so complicated and we had heart broken when seeing Joe give up his happiness to protect Cecil but it was without counting on Killer Frost and his desire to get what she wanted: Kill Tracy Brand. But it was an evil for a good because it prompted Joe to reveal the truth to her who might well become his wife.
But of course, the most important point of “I Know Who You Are” originated in Barry’s awareness. After weeks of questioning, our hero finally understood who was hiding behind Savitar’s armor and no doubt he should be longing for it. Without Iris, old Barry failed to recover and he eventually embraced the dark side of the force. If it is impossible to know which version of Barry has decided to stir up trouble in the past, it is nevertheless certain that all this has a relationship with the Flashpoint. That explains all the clues we have had so far. Whether it’s the old Barry’s message to Rip Hunter, Savitar’s unlimited knowledge of the Team, Declarations of the Big Bad since its arrival in the past, everything now makes sense. But then, how will others react by discovering this terrible truth? How did Barry come to kill Iris? What decision will our hero take to save his family? Are we going to discover the origins of Savitar in flashbacks? One thing is certain, this revelation was brilliantly orchestrated, even if we had already considered this hypothesis. This turnaround promises to accelerate both the stakes and the rhythm of intrigues. We are in a state of extreme excitement at the thought of discovering the sequel!