The producers of House of Cards, we explain why the end ridiculous the series is, in fact, super

Cinema 8 November, 2018






Ah, we can say that House of Cards comeback. Almost cancelled last year due to the scandal Kevin Spacey, it has held up well, and offers us today his final season. And when one sees the result, it is said that this was really not worth to give so much evil. ATTENTION, SPOILERS !

Yes, because the end of the series that once helped Netflix establish itself a little everywhere in the world really makes a poor figure in the face of what has preceded. Of course the reference express of Kevin Spacey at the time of the construction of the last season had severely playing against House of Cards , but we were still repeated in the upstream and the broad lines of the scenario had been met.


Image of yesteryear


The final, therefore, we learn that it is Doug Stamper (Michael Kelly) who killed Frank Underwood to preserve his legacy and Claire (Robin Wright) stumbles Doug because, still, it is not of the correct ways to lead a career in politics. A conclusion strongly criticized by us and by others, that is made well demolished by a part of the american press and that the executive producers Frank Pugliese and Melissa James Gibson are trying to justify today with the micro ofEntertainment Weekly :

“Somehow we go back to where the series began with Francis, who abrégeait the suffering of the dog and then looked at the viewer to embark in this relationship. And you know, it’s the same look that was Clear at the end of the series. It is as if there had been a shift in his faith, in a certain way, because she still took the ascendant since the end of season 5. But it is a reminder of the adventure she experienced, to the prices she had to pay and all that cost him his ambition.


Doug Stamper has a little bit bad when even


Claire has started this season by declaring his independence vis-à-vis Francis. Literally. As for Doug Stamper, it is totally tied to the legacy of Francis because her identity is closely interlaced with him. And this has allowed us to create a conflict really useful.”

Obviously, the gap between Doug and Claire was going to be the highlight of the series, it is logic, but we can still regret that he has given just that. Nevertheless, the producers do not budge, the series remains ambiguous and it is so much better :


But Claire doesn’t let


“The question at the end, this is just Doug who says he is a better wife than Clear, because it is him who killed Francis to protect his legacy. And at the same time, is that Claire is not in the process of releasing Doug in the killing ? To relieve him of his suffering ? Or is it that it kills it for other reasons ? To fix the problem ? The question remains to be answered. If this conclusion leaves open doors, it is simply because it is the good ending for this story.”

Let us think differently…