The Walking Dead Season 7: Episode 7, which helps to escape SPOILER?

Cinema 5 December, 2016

7 The Walking Dead season continues with ever more mysteries about the result … Who helped SPOILER in episode 7? We try to answer you!

the-walking-dead-saison-7-episode-7-singJust a few hours, AMC aired episode 7 of Season 7 of The Walking Dead which we have offered our criticism . In “Sing Me A Song”, Carl’s presence at the Sanctuary allowed us to see a little what became Daryl and as expected, leads Negan life difficult for his hostage. Yet after several episodes of captivity and only a few spoken words, episode 7 could have been a turning point because, back in his cell to be punished, Daryl receives a mysterious note written simply “Go Now / Now Pars” and a key and a match attached to the piece of paper. Before wondering from whom this note, it is possible that Daryl wonders especially if it’s not a trap of Saviors who wish to see it try to escape to better punish him then.
Yet given the intrigues of the episode, several characters could be at the origin of the word and the starting Negan is the perfect opportunity. Names that come to mind are Jesus, Dwight and Sherry but difficult to know exactly who it might be. Sherry has shown throughout the episode and even before his disgust Negan and all his community and his desire to help Daryl, or at least ensure that he suffers as little as possible . It could thus take advantage of the absence of Negan to allow Daryl to go join his. This certainly would prove risky for her if someone surprised her near the cell Daryl but since Dwight is the appointed guardian and he always feelings for her, it is assumed that he will not denounce. It is also our second potential ally despite everything he does for Negan since its appearance in The Walking Dead .
Dwight is not satisfied with his situation and the plot of his alter-ego in the comics suggests that it may soon rebel against his master. The question is what might be his motivation to leave from Daryl. Finally we now know that Jesus came to the Shrine and he knows Negan went back to Alexandria with Carl. He could have followed Dwight trying to bring Daryl in his cell and then help her escape though one wonders why he would not have opened the door himself and then accompany him outside . The identity of this mysterious ally in any case should we be revealed in the next episode and we hope that Daryl will seize his chance to finally win his freedom despite the psychological torture of Negan that could dissuade him. Until namely, a first extract of 7×08 episode of The Walking Dead is already available on melty! And you, do you know who helped Daryl?