Thor Ragnarok: The trailer, the questions we ask ourselves

Cinema 13 April, 2017

The first trailer of Thor Ragnarok was unveiled this week and if it reveals much, we still have some questions!
Thor is back! The God of Asgard will be back in the dark rooms next November and Disney / Marvel have decided to embellish our life by unveiling the very first trailer of this long awaited new chapter. While melty revealed all the secrets of the trailer of Thor Ragnarok , we admit that even if the latter announces much, we still have some questions that remain unanswered. Fortunately you will tell us, if not what interest to go see the film? We start with the most obvious, WHERE IS PAST PAST? We know that the latter was driven from his throne by Loki and that he is since in New York, far from the luxury of Asgard and his position of King.
Since we are talking about Asgard and his defense, we also wonder where were left Lady Sif and the Trio Palatine? With their appearances in the franchise’s first films, they are expected to be present to fight Hela and fight against the destruction of their kingdom, but not only are they absent from the trailer, but in addition They were not even announced to the cast of Thor Ragnarok . Did they die in a battle or imprisoned somewhere? Will we have the answer in the film? We move on until we get the answer. This is one of the most striking scenes of the trailer: the destruction of Mjolnir by Hela. We have a lot of questions about this scene, but if we were to retain only that, One would opt for that one: is the Mjolnir broken for ever? Will Thor have to learn to live without? A change we are curious to see, especially if our favorite superhero must definitely make a cross on it!
Let’s talk about the Hulk! This last one invites itself in Ragnarok and makes a smashing entry into the trailer. If Thor seems relieved to find his boyfriend of work, Hulk him, it runs right to him. Yet we have seen in the past that he was able to recognize his enemies and his allies in a fight. So why does he run into the heap? Is this a tactic for both to escape? Or maybe the Hulk has really taken over and Thor is just another opponent in the Grand Master’s arena. Last but not Least, this trailer left us a bit skeptical of the Loki coast . We really wonder what role the brother of Thor plays in this adventure because ” One shot is seen fighting beside Thor and the second after, he invites himself in the lodge of the Grand Master to watch his brother fight with the Hulk. Loki, what exactly are you playing ?!