Logan: X-23, the future Wolverine?

Cinema 2 March, 2017

For Wolverine version Hugh Jackman, superhero career, it’s over. But X-23, aka Laura, that we discover today in Logan, could she take over?
Until now, there was only one Wolverine, only one mutant with adamantium claws and able to regenerate after each wound. But that was before. Before the release on our screens today of Logan , the last solo adventure of the character (and the most successful!) In the guise of Hugh Jackman . Because in the film, there is of course our hero, always as grumpy and (almost) always as effective and deadly. But at his side is a girl who shares with him many commonalities : X-23, aka Laura (incredible Dafne Keen), a mute character who imposes from the first scene . Wild, violent, capable of massacring a whole battalion of Reavers without the least hesitation, X-23 is nevertheless a kind of small miracle, In this world where most mutants have disappeared. But where does it come from? Why and how was it created? It is partly this mystery that Logan tries to solve in the film, forming a duo of shock – but especially particularly moving – with the girl. What makes us say, in melty, that little X-23 could well take the place of our Wolverine now that this one decided to put an end to his life of superhero …
If you are a fan of Marvel and X-Men in particular, the name X-23 should not be foreign to you. In comics, the mutant is actually a Wolverine clone, created from the latter’s DNA in an attempt to reiterate the success of the ” Weapon X ” program. The young girl managed to escape Martin Sutter and Zander Rice, his ” creators ” thanks to the help of Sarah Kinney, a scientist whom the methods of the two men revolt and terrify. Once free, X-23 leaves then in search of Wolverine, which she considers responsible for all its misfortunes. However, between the mutant and the girl, a bond of confidence and even love finally weaves. So much so that when Logan definitely makes the soul in 2014 in ”
To find out, we must remember – attention SPOILERS – the origins of X-23 as they are told in the film. Like the Laura of the comics, the girl is actually the result of experiments carried out by the Transigen project, which uses (obviously) the DNA of Wolverine, obtained by the mysterious Essex Corporation of years ago. However, this Laura-this is not really a Logan clone, its link with the mutant being a little narrower than that. But like him, she was ” created “, perfected in the laboratory, which, as was the case for Wolverine, induced heavy suffering, suffering that led her to be violent and brutal. Because as we can hear Charles Xavier tell our old X-Man: ” She’s like you . ” The relationship between Logan and X-23 is similar to the relationship between Logan and X-23. A father to his daughter … but also a mentor to his pupil.
So, could X-23 ever take Wolverine’s place on the screen? To this question, we want to answer ” yes “. Not only because the older generation of the X-Men bowed out, Patrick Stewart himself having decided that Logan would mark his last appearance in a franchise film . It is therefore necessary to add new blood, a salutary initiative that X-Men: Apocalypse has already taken with its young mutants. And then, of course, there is the fact that Laura has become, in the comics, THE new Wolverine, which would almost suffice to make us chicken by the ear. The mutant and it are far too similar for this resemblance not to be exploited. Especially since this would keep a character as rude and violent as Wolverine could be … without the need to find a new actor to play the latter! Wild as she is, but also determined and resourceful, X-23 represents in any case the worthy heiress of Logan and could thus well take its place in the future. It remains to be seen if the studios will know how to use this character, so beautifully introduced in the film, and if they will then do it justice. One thing is sure in any case, to see her stand up to Logan, this girl has the potential to go very far! Would you like X-23 to become the new Wolverine? But also determined and resourceful, X-23 represents in any case the worthy heiress of Logan and could thus well take its place in the future. It remains to be seen if the studios will know how to use this character, so beautifully introduced in the film, and if they will then do it justice. One thing is sure in any case, to see her stand up to Logan, this girl has the potential to go very far! Would you like X-23 to become the new Wolverine? But also determined and resourceful, X-23 represents in any case the worthy heiress of Logan and could thus well take its place in the future. It remains to be seen if the studios will know how to use this character, so beautifully introduced in the film, and if they will then do it justice. One thing is sure in any case, to see her stand up to Logan, this girl has the potential to go very far! Would you like X-23 to become the new Wolverine?